Anyway, what seemed like a time of sufficient sleep seems to be the start of the lack of sleep. Don't get what I mean? I meant that I'll be burning midnight oils from now on. I've yet to complete my coursework which I'm only about 10% near to completion for my Research work (redo-ing it!) and 0% for my Development stage which is one of the hardest components in Coursework Part A. With all this, I personally think that I might be too knowledgeable in food than fellow peers who aren't taking F&N, and even surpassing the normal knowledge of food by adults who aren't working in the F&B sectors.
On top of that, I've yet to finish my F&N homework on food labels, Chinese homework and also my SS. SS could wait as lessons starts on Thursday. Chinese? I don't know. I swear that I've never completed Chinese homework ever since secondary school. It probably one of the causes as to why my Chinese grades are falling from a possible A to a terrifying C.
"Sweet 16" some quote by -I'm sure- a Westerner. It's not that sweet in Singapore. No. Being 16 in Singapore includes studying till you're crazy. A pile of homework to be completed and handed in the very next day. Exams, tests, courseworks, SPA, experiments and tuitions. Being 16 isn't all that glamourous in Singapore.
I'm done ranting. Gonna continue my Research work.
Being 16 isn't all that glamourous.
慶應義塾大学, 東京大学, 早稲田大学