Singapore flavours, Mediacorp's television programme on Singapore food that is sold in other countries like, Australia.
I hate this show. They talk about ice kachang, but it gradually moves to chendol and Shanghai food? Whut? The part I hate most -- reporting Singapore food in Japan by Fiona Xie. As much as I love Japan, and Singapore delicacies, I hate how Fiona Xie had this oh-so fake accent whenever she's talking to a Japanese chef or Japanese customers who patronises the restaurant.
What's with the fake 'Hey, I'm a Japanese speaking English, but still have a hint of Japanese' accent? The deliberate attempts of saying 'sauce' like a Japanese is pathetically dumb. Oh, and not to forget, what's with saying "Oishii" when she hasn't even tried the dish? *Inserts a superbly long face* FAIL.
Picture from Channel U's website.
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Week 2, life's getting busier. I think I'm gonna sacrifice some sleep to do revision work (:
Being 16 isn't all that glamourous.
慶應義塾大学, 東京大学, 早稲田大学