Ushering the new year eh? 2010. It's gonna be gone in a flash, just like any other year. Especially for Class 2010, we'll be busy doing 10 year series, busy going through papers, prelims, and then, the thing.
Of course, new year resolutions! Gonna have to think of some and stick to it! ·Maintain a clean room, for good study environment. ·Save up money for a webcam. ·Use the computer on Saturdays ONLY. ·Be more sociable. ·Do up a board of motivational messages by 25th January. ·Clean up my room by tomorrow (it's January already okay!) ·Work hard in Upper Intermediate. ·Stop staring at people. ·Splurge less on magazines. ·Stop going high at every Japanese song played around Singapore. ·Study real hard during the weekdays. ·Get my tempo in piano right (doubt it would) ·Flail more.
Yeaaaaaaaah, that's all.
About the splurging...well.... I'm definitely gonna control my splurging moments! At the most I'd get the first CD of the year. LOL.
Being 16 isn't all that glamourous.
慶應義塾大学, 東京大学, 早稲田大学