Okay, baby's skin. Baby's skin is wrinkle free, and blablabla. It also repels water! Musashi-sensei, she's 52 years old and she's researching on skin types (I think).
You know how the Japanese are always awesome, so let's just believe her.
5 things you must never do when washing your face · Never wash your face with hot water! It drys out your skin. » Use water no warmer than your own body temperature. » Use water as cold as you can stand it, when you finish. · Applying ice directly to your face is also bad. Who does that anyway. · Never wash your face roughly. After you turn 50, it will give you wrinkles, bags under your eyes and deep lines at the corners of your nose.There are also areas where the force of your hands will harm the skin · Never leave facial lotion longer than necessary! It'll dry the skin even more. To think lotions are good for us · Never wash with cleansers in the morning!
Techniques by Musashi-sensei 1. » (In case you can't see because of bad quality) Lather using a sponge or facial net because it's faster.
3. » Using the tip of your ring finger, move the foam in circles no bigger than 1cm. The way you're pushing the foam from your hands, allows your skin to be more flexible
5. »Take your time to wash your face! Rushing will only give you wrinkles!
Other tips · Rubbing your eyes too much will cause the blood vessels around the eyes to be damaged. Therefore, you'll have dark circles due to poor blood circulation. · Too much salon treatments and supplements may cause your skin to dry. · Soap residue on your skin will cause the area to be predisposed to acne and blemishes.
I'm so gonna try it! Credits: TBS directors.
Being 16 isn't all that glamourous.
慶應義塾大学, 東京大学, 早稲田大学