AAA 2008 Screening @ The Arts House
January 29, 2010 14:24
Okay, I'm gonna post about the fan gathering I attended on 24th January 2010.
Met Jannah at Raffles Place MRT Station, and we rushed down to The Arts House near Victoria Concert Hall. Reached there, and we saw 'thousands' of fans gathering in that small, narrow corridor. Confirmed our registration code, and one of the crew members passed us our goodie bags. Here's what I've got:

A badge and a shop photo from Crazy Moon PV making. Actually I had "Ohmiya SK" foe my badge, but a fellow Ohno fangirl traded with me, so there, Aiba's solo. Don't really like the extra hand in the photo, and I was really hoping for a 5x10 one. Oh well..
Anyway, we adjourned into the screening room and Jannah and I got first row seats, which ain't the best. Anyway, Emcees were Liting and ( )*. Started the screening, and we were practically singing along to the songs. When it reached Oh Yeah!, everyone got out of their seats and went to the back and jumped along to the beat. Everyone rapped parts they are able to, and danced the furi!!
Then there was the intermission with Bingo and The Quiz Show. Almost got the shop photos, but I forgot how to sing 5x10!! Then there was The Quiz Show. It was really fail for Jannah la, she's so lag in Arashi because she jumps fandom every one to two months. I loved the prizes for the third and fourth placing; shop photos!! I want!

Kinda fail because I cut out one of the contestants. There's Charmain beside Jannah. I love her to bits la! Very enthusiastic!! But they kinda fail also; Never watch DnA, how can!?
Back to the screening. Everyone was back in their seats and singing along. I loved it when EVERYONE was singing to A.RA.SHI. The unison! I swear, we were louder than the video itself. Moving on to the encore, we sang during wish, and laughed at Gori Muchuu. Then we had a lucky draw, with photobooks, uchiwa, concert files and more shop photos. Fail, didn't win anything. Took a group photo and sang a birthday song for Sho. Ended with lots of photo-taking with anyone I could grab on to.

Fiona! She was beside Jannah during the screening. I just HAD to take a photo with her! She was one of the more enthusiastic ones in the first row.

Li Ting! Omg, finally we took a photo together! Hopefully we can take more photos if there are more gatherings 8D

Nino fan! The photo-taking part was really weird. "Which member do you like?" "Nino." "Nino ah? ):" "Yeah." "Aiya never mind! Take photo with me!" Awesome!

This was cute too. I was talking to the girl clad in black. "Who you like?" "Aiba!" "Aiba!? I also!" *Starts flailing* Sadly, I don't know who her friend likes. I'm guessing.. Nino? I don't know, forgot to ask ):
Then we had to go out by 6.30pm. So I was looking for the girl who was standing beside me during the group photo because she held a Sho uchiwa!

"Excuse meeeee!!! Can take a picture?" *passes me the Sho uchiwa* "Nooo! We take together!" Hahha. She's pretty la! Actually, all of them are :D
Wrote messages to Keikarou in hopes that Aiba would see it. Took photos with some of the crew members because they happened to be Aiba fans and Jannah and I when looking for the black and white statues of Raffles.

Then, I told Jannah how I'm so desperate to go to the merlion, so we went there!

I just had to imitate Aiba when he was here.. Jannah's was fail because she couldn't match the water spraying out. So in the end, she had to squat in order to take the photo. But it still didn't match -.-
Anyway, more photos of Jannah and I. I'm calling Tashryn next time! Stupid Jannah, she doesn't know the songs from the albums -.- SUPER FAIL.